Tina Gibbons

Hi, I’m Tina. Like many others, I have been on a long journey to emotional health, having experienced quite severe mental illness over 20 years ago.  I have been on prescription medication, have experienced several years of psychotherapy, have travelled, enjoyed yoga and meditation and embraced whole heartedly any personal development offering I can in order to find peace of mind.

I’m sure that all of those experiences, played a significant part in my journey, especially psychotherapy. However, it is when I discovered flower essences and deepened my connection with nature, that I really started to feel as though I had arrived home… home in my heart, home in my body and home on this beautiful planet, as part of a miraculous ecosystem.

Spending time in nature mindfully and connecting deeply with the natural environment resets my state of mind and has helped raise my baseline mood to one of pure joy. The more I connect with nature, the more full of heart I feel and the more easily I am able to move through the traumas, stresses and anxieties that go hand in hand with life as a human being.

Flower essences have been key in helping me to shift repeating behaviours, thoughts and emotional states and continue to provide me with ongoing support, insight and wisdom to this day.  It is testament to the impact of essences and nature connection that I have chosen to train and work in these modalities.  Nature really is THE greatest teacher and it is my greatest honour to work with people from all walks of life to help them deepen their connection with nature and blossom into fullness with the help of essences.

I am an Advanced Flower Essence Practitioner accredited by the British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association, an authorised Human Toolbox Practitioner, have completed natural mindfulness and forest bathing guide training with author Ian Banyard, and Earthwalk leadership training with John Cree.  I am committed to continued professional development and currently in the process of completing Holistic Health Practitioner Training underpinned by the 3 Principles and regularly partake in flower essence training for emerging essence ranges.


Telephone: 07891 939921

Website: www.tinagibbons.co.uk

Facebook: www.facebook.com/natureconnectionwithtina

Click below to view the treatments which Tinaoffers.